Business support

To learn more about Ventspils Business Support Center, please contact us!

  • Gvido Grīnbergs
  • Head of Digital Innovation Hub
Ventspils Business Support Centre was founded to incentivize people to create new enterprises and begin entrepreneurial activities in Ventspils, to assist with this process and help solve various matters related to establishing an enterprise, as well as to inform the community about business support available in Ventspils and provide access to business support instruments.
  • Support for ICT, new and start-up companies - offices at discounted rent and other benefits (consultations, coaching, etc.).
  • Organising events - coordinating events, seminars and courses, as well as providing technical support for successful launch of events.
  • Coaching and courses - providing and organizing courses by attracting experts and lecturers from relevant fields.
Ventspils Business Support Centre provides support for establishing and developing a business in Ventspils, particularly specializing in business projects under the information and communication technology (ICT) sector.

Business Support Centre specializes in providing and organizing various events, as well as offers suitable rooms and technical support for the needs of your events. If necessary, we will find suitable event organizers, experts and lecturers, as well as catering service providers and we will provide other essential support.

Business Support Centre also offers the opportunity for inhabitants and visitors of Ventspils to use coworking space for work, meetings, seminars, other events, and displaying creative ideas.

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