Learning aid

To learn more about Pratne.lv, we invite you to contact us!

  • Undīne Priedoliņa
  • Educational Technology Expert
Pratne.lv is a digital learning and methodological tool for the implementation of the new mathematics curriculum for primary education, grades 1-3. Pratne.lv will provide Latvian teachers with the flexibility to use the developed model tasks, as well as the possibility to easily create, modify or combine existing and new interactive learning tasks.

As a result, teachers will have at their disposal a versatile digital teaching and methodological tool where they can prepare the individualised knowledge to be transferred to the pupil according to the pupil's perception, type of teaching, interests and send the set of tasks for use on the pupil's respective mobile smart device - phone or tablet.


An opportunity to test and practise your students' knowledge using digital worksheets with different types of interactive exercises. Content is accessible on any mobile or fixed device with internet connection.

Free content from Pratne.lv and the possibility for teachers to create their own content, automatic assessment options and linking to the E-Classroom Journal.

Career portfolio

A digital career portfolio to help you explore yourself and your career options with the guidance of a careers advisor.

A collection of the best digital resources and a communication site to discuss and exchange information on internship and career development opportunities.

The development of teaching tools is based on the model of education researchers Mishra and Kohler, which states that content (what we want to teach) and pedagogy (what we teach) serve as the basis for any technology we develop for use in teaching.
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