Latvian Digital Innovation Center
The project "Development of AI - ICT for Manufacturing EDIH in Latvia" (project Nr. 101083983) aims to promote digital transformation of enterprises and public sector, as well as to improve digital skills of citizens, focusing on support for improvement of existing business processes, marketing and implementation and development of innovative digitisation solutions. The project is expected to reach at least 1 800 enterprises and make significant digital improvements in at least 600 of them.

The Latvian Digital Innovation Centre (LDIC) will provide services to clients (companies, institutions and organisations) in four major groups:
  • Raising awareness and defining needs. It is important for businesses, institutions and organisations to be aware of the opportunities and needs of digitalisation in order to fully embark on a digital transformation journey. Through various digitisation awareness-raising events, trainings, webinars and seminars, stakeholders will be provided with up-to-date information on how to improve their company's/institution's operations, boost productivity and increase competitiveness. At this stage, the company will be required to take a digital maturity test which will indicate the current state of digitalisation of the company and provide first indications for its improvement. Based on the results of the test, LDIC experts will develop a digital roadmap with recommendations on the implementation of the digitisation project, possible technological support and achievable performance indicators. Businesses that are uncertain about their future development will also be offered the opportunity to take a practical digitalisation course - Kickstart - where company representatives will develop a digital development roadmap and identify business processes that need to be improved. 
  • Technology testing and expertise. LDIC will help to assess existing business processes and make recommendations to improve specific business processes using both new and existing technologies. LDIC will recommend potential technology suppliers, giving companies, institutions and organisations the opportunity to initially test the recommended and marketable technologies. Customers will be able to receive expert advice from industry experts as needed, providing confidence in the technological possibilities. 
  • Training and introduction of new technologies. LDIC will provide training to clients in different levels of digitalisation, ranging from general topics to highly advanced training in artificial intelligence, cyber security and high-performance computing. New technologies will be made available to companies, institutions and organisations through various support mechanisms and national support programmes. LDIC will provide expertise to understand which programme the client qualifies for and whose needs are most relevant, thus preparing a specialised digital development roadmap. 
  • Evaluation. After receiving the above services, the client will perform a second digital maturity test to assess the impact of the digital transformation activities and to evaluate the growth indicators defined by the investment. LDIC experts will provide an assessment of the implementation of the investment based on the results of the second digital maturity test and the previously prepared Digital Roadmap deliverables and will provide an opinion on the fulfilment of the conditions set out in the Digital Roadmap.
Projekta partneri, kas veido LDIC:
  • Latvijas Informācijas tehnoloģiju klasteris
  • Cēsu Digitālais centrs
  • Digital Innovation Park
  • University of Latvia
  • Zemgale planning region
  • Latvian Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry Association
  • Latvian Information and communications technology association
  • Latgale planning region
  • Latvian Federation of Food Companies
  • Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries of Latvia
  • Riga Business School of Riga Technical University
  • Foundation "Ventspils High Technology Park"
  • Vidzeme Planning Region

The project also involves two associate partners - the Latvian Association of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs and the Latvian Wood Industry Federation - and several related third-party partners - the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technology, the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, the Institute of Solid State Physics at the University of Latvia, as well as technology supplier companies providing technology testing facilities.

Total project cost: €2,919,281 (EU grant: €1,459,640 ANM support: €1,459,641)

Implementation period: 1 September 2022 to 31 August 202
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